AEE 1947: Three Ways to Talk about K-Dramas in English All Ears Engllish Website
1. Binge
(n.) an occasion when an activity is done in an extreme way 無節制的狂熱行為
He went on a five day drinking binge.
(v.) to eat too much of something 狂吃,無節制地吃
I tend to binge on chocolate when I'm watching TV.
2. Obsessed
(adj.) too interested in or worried about something 著迷的;困擾的
Why are people so obsessed with money?
3. Eye candy
(n.) someone or something that is attractive but not very interesting or useful 華而不實的人(或物)
Most of the images on the website are not more than eye candy.
4. Addictive
(adj.) you cannot stop doing or eating once you have started 使人上癮的/使人入迷的
The problem with video games is that they're addictive.
5. Rave
(v.) to speak in an uncontrolled way, usually because you are upset or angry, or because you are ill 語無倫次,胡言亂語
He's always raving (on) about the government.
(adj.) admiring and giving a lot of praise 大加讚揚的,捧上天的
The show has received rave reviews in all the papers.
I didn't notice that some episodes go with videos. That's nice.